Gendang Pampat is one medium of communication in ritual ceremonies practiced in devices such elaborate ritual, Sandau Ari and practiced in other ritual ceremonies devices. If the olden days, four drum known as the ritual is very high. However, not for the present. Exposure to cultural heritage is less exposed. This is because, Iban community is now embracing Christianity. The sequence of the four drum is less exposed to the current generation.
source: https://ir.unimas.my/id/eprint/20310/1/Pemeliharaan%20seni%20budaya%20warisan%20(24%20pages).pdf
Gendang Pampat Ceremony performed in certain Gawai is related to worship and calls for the spirit of Kumang and Keling. In the belief of Iban society, Kumang and Keling is the most respected person who is believed to have miraculous powers, has a level of appearance who are handsome and have a strong body. While Kumang is a woman which became the idol of men in ancient times with the weak gentle, beautiful and proficient in all the work of women in ancient times. They are also believed to have medications that can cure various diseases which Iban people suffer. In addition, Gendang pampat, is a ceremony that calls for the enthusiasm of the people from Panggau Libau to
get shelter and be accorded well being in life. Therefore, Gendang Pampat is one of the Iban cultural heritage that must be uplifted among the younger generations of Ibanians to be heritage artistic arts
it remains intact in the world of cultural heritage.
Nowadays, the ritual ceremony is less exposed to exposure or ignored. In fact, it has been replaced by modern activities. Sometimes if the Gawai Dayak celebration is celebrated by 1 June each year, Gendang Pampat was not introduced to a new generation. This is because the younger generation Iban is synonymous with modern lifestyle. Some of them only intend to go home but no desire to know the art of cultural heritage of its own. Therefore, this cultural heritage is not dominated by young people now not to mention the younger generation of Iban in particular, so this can pose a threat to cultural art legacy drum warheads. From ancient times now, only senior citizens which only has the skills to handle it and to master it completely the science of kicking this drum. Reflecting on this problem, the researcher should restore the artistic heritage of Pampat Drum to artistic stage, culture and heritage to preserve its aesthetic value.
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